Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It's the day after 'THE' Holiday, Christmas & 'THE' Feast and there is still more to come!  This does not mean "it's the holidays  it's ok to eat more of this and eat more of that" and NOT exercise!!!  Yes, it's ok to enjoy BUT if you are going to do so be sure to EXERCISE!!!  This brings me to this:
How do 'you' guys feel about SKYPE training...


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm KCAB (BACK spelled backwards)!

GONE but it seems to be not forgotten- and I THANK YOU ALL for that from the bottom of my heart!!!  There have been many rumors floating around and all I'm going to say is that the truth always comes out in the end...

So it seems to be that the holidays are upon us and as I sit here I have the local news on and the reporter started with "I can't believe how cold it is."  I'm in CA- I can only imagine how cold it is elsewhere.  BUT this is no excuse to sit and droop- it's even more reason to rise and BUST A LUNG.  If you say "I don't have time" I'm going to make time for you right now:

10 min. on a treadmill your max. incline at a brisk walking pace
3 sets of 10 bicep curls (medium weight)
3 sets of tricep dips (medium weight)
30 sec. of holding a squat 3 times

It's something and most of all when it's over you will not feel good- you will feel GREAT!!!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone and I look forward to hearing from ALL of YOU!!!