Yes, my finger is operable- good for me, even better for you:) Speaking of my finger- time to share what the ER doctor said to me while stitching me up. First, she said stitches will come up in 10 days and until then no exercise (training for my 1/2 marathon)- I tried to keep a straight face when I said to her I don't use my finger to run. She then tried to tell me that if I run I'll increase blood flow to my finger because when one run's their hands are like this : she demonstrated running with her arms swinging to her side. I kept my mouth shut on that one.
But now I'll keep my mouth (or my finger) open:
Weekend fun...
If you are in the gym- try my 'Tonia's cardio / circut mix':
CI= cardio interval and the levels refer to where you are when you are doing cardio intervals - 1 is the lowest 8 is the highest.
CI starting at level 5 going to 8- hold 8 for the minute
weights 30sec x 3 with 15sec rest in between
CI starting at 4 - 8 / 8-4weights 30sec x 3 with 15sec rest in between
CI 1min sprint x3 with 1min recovery in between
weights 45sec x 2 30sec rest in between
CI 8(1min) - 4
2min cool down
If you are exercising outside- whatever you do do it FAST, HARD, SWEATY & BUSTING A LUNG!!!
All my hard pounding love,
your trainer Tonia.
Nice!! Didn't even win the cruise! :) you scared me while I was there and geez, you are doing well from a distance! Steph