Thursday, October 6, 2011


This one is gonna be for fun- as some of you know i sliced my finger so have limited use what ive judt typed is tapping on the keyboard what followas will be me typingn regularly ill have more use of finger tomorrow so will post again

hu everyihe, hioe that akk are great!  as the hikidays are aooriachung kets nit get un a funk wuth the change if seasins and ut gettung dark earkuer- si niw us defunentky the tume tu dug un and di simething- anythung, even uf uts sutuos whuke watchung tv- ir okanung ir jumoung jacjs,

whiever can transkate thus wungs a oruze,  kets see whi can get ut and by timirriw wuth my bew bkig u;kk ket yiu kmiw whi git ut a nd what u;ve vee=b trying ti say,,,

tuk then get iut there and bust a kung!!!


  1. The scary thing is, that I think I understand what your wrote!! Hope the finger heals quickly!!

  2. Funny! The post but not the finger! Yes, the holidays are approaching and I do tend to get in a funk! I'll work on the situps and jumping jacks while watching tv. Will I really win a cruise if I translate it all? :) Steph

  3. You're a trip! Sorry you have a boo boo! Miss ya tons! Can't wait til the next time I'm in Malibu so I can train with you! Hopefully, I'll be in better shape to do a 1 on 1 with you then!

  4. Ok... So being a teacher I felt like I had an advantage in reading it!!!

    So I tried something today that I haven't done since high school! I ran the stadium! I haven't felt that powerful since the ranch! It was amazing! I can't wait to do it again tomorrow... That is if I can walk! :).

    Tonia- thanks for always challenging us! Miss u!
