Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's the last Wednesday of the week!!!

Alright everyone- we've come this far- the last Wednesday of the week- and you all know what that means...I usually say that it's the hardest day of the week- I'm still sticking to that- but we have a few exceptions.  A few of you out there have had your Wednesday on Monday so look at today as Friday but still know that you have some work to do!  What work you may ask- well I'm glad you did- or at least I did for you.  So as your trainer who truly cares for everyone reading this here is what I want you to do for YOU- NO ONE ELSE (but me of course) BUT FOR YOU- and yes you will be busting a lung- here it is:

  1. pick your favorite cardio exercise and add 10 minutes to it.
  2. plank as much as you can for a duration of 3 minutes.
  3. a light jog for 5-10 minutes
  4. finish with a peaceful 10-15 minute walk anywhere- outside, treadmill- anywhere- and as you are walking hear my 'gentle' voice telling you that you can easily do anything that you put your mind to!
So now get out there- bust that blankety blank blank lung and NEVER STOP BELIEVING IN THE POWER OF YOU!!!

Once you have done all of the above- check in with me here- now I'm truly holding you accountable because I truly care!!!  
Miss you all- Love your trainer Tonia xo


  1. Done and done! (except for the run part - knee is still out of whack) Love that you post a workout challenge. Helps keep me motivated and focussed! Thanks!

  2. Since I got this late, I did my Wed. today plus some weight training. Did dead lifts with 80 lbs. times 2 sets of 12 felt very accomplished. Im kind of in a little rut as far as food goes though. I have to start eating more. Food is just not a priority in my life, especially when I get bummed out. I'ld rather be at the gym sweating.

  3. EXCELLENT to all 2 of you!!! I gotta motivate people to check-in on my blog!!!

  4. had no time to work out yesterday - spent many many hours working. Will get this done today though! any extra challenges for today??

  5. Mike- as this is a day late and you will probably not be reading this until Friday 09/16- here is a challenge-
    As you are a cyclist- try this- ride as you do but this time when you are finished with your ride- carry your bike for 6-10 minutes. If you were not planning a ride- run (treadmill or street) for 30min. with your HR (heart rate) at 80% for the entire run.

    Hope that this helps and I'll get a weekend plan up tomorrow- Friday- late morning West Coast time!
