Sunday, April 8, 2012



Oh my- where to start- it's been nearly two months to the day since my last blog.  Why?  I suppose because sometimes one can only write so much?  Perhaps not.  I suppose because sometimes one can only 'give' so much?  Maybe closer.  I suppose because...

Everyone has their struggles- their challenges- their WTF's.  Including myself believe it or not I am human!

Close to everyday guests both current and past tell me that I've literally have saved their lives.  That I have a gift of reaching out and connecting- that they were giving themselves one last shot and if BLR didn't work for them IT was over- but than they met me and contribute their 'new life' to me.  It blows me away that I'm seen this way- it's actually pretty amazing however, I just do what I do because I love doing it.  

So now back to everything else.  All is status quo- I have my health, friends and most importantly a job that I love!  I just ran another half marathon yesterday and along the route I saw a repeat guest in the opposite direction participating in the 5K- what's amazing about this is that this guest has trouble with their heart and running for more that a few minutes. Turns out the guest completed the run and posted on my FB wall something to the effect they could not have done it without me believing in them and my coaching- now that's a great feeling.

Until next time everyone- keep busting that lung and knocking the blankety blank blank out of EVERTHING!

your trainer TONIA


  1. Thanks for creating this page. I sure need all the help I can get. HELP!!!!!

  2. Hi Tonia!!
    Happy Spring and Easter!
    When I left the resort I had lost 5 lbs and 5 inches, one week later I've lost a total of 10 lbs. Worked out one rigorous hour with my local Oakland Adventure Bootcamp M-F 5:30- 6:30 AM and ate 12-1300 calories a day.
    Everyday around 1:30 -3 I can barely keep my eyes open though I am sleeping 7-8 hours per night.
    Should I add an egg or some almonds to my lunch? What do you think?
    Great blog by the way.

    Jeri from Oakland

    1. Hi Jeri,
      I can't accurately answer your question unless I know what the calories are. If you're just eating protein or eating more protein than carbs than yes, you'll need a little extra something. Also, another reason why you're crashing is you may not be getting enough sugar. My secret: peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Granted I keep a light even spread of the ingredients- but it has everything one needs- carbs, protein and sugar.

      Hope that this has helped. Best to you and Sandy.

  3. Hey Tonia - I'm so glad I found your blog. It's great to see you're posting exercise plans for us to use. I'm very intimidated by the whole 'gym' thing, so I usually just go to the classes. Having the routines will help me acclimate to the actual gym. :)

    Anyway, question for you. I've been working out since I got back from BLR 7 weeks ago today. I've found a couple of times, including tonight, I'm experiencing pain in my left foot - specifically in the arch, a little in my heal. It feels like I've pulled something. I push through it - but honestly, it hurts. Any idea what it could be and if I'm hurting it more by just dealing?

    I loved being in your classes - especially the pool workouts. You may or may not remember me - my first day I had a cramp in the pool and you yelled at me for not hydrating enough the night before and during the hike. Well, I'm down 26 pounds at this point and have fully adopted the lifestyle you and the staff at BLR taught us. I have a long way to go, but love the way I'm feeling!

    Thanks very much Tonia. Hope to hear from you,

    Lisa in NJ

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Glad to hear that you're doing so well!
      I'm not totally sure what is happening with your foot however, anytime someone comes to me with foot problems the first thing I usually ask is "how old are your shoes?" If your shoes are more than 3 months old than it's time to get professionally fitted into a new pair. Don't just go to a sports store. Find a running store where the sales staff actually spends time with you.

      A place like this is great:

      All the best,

  4. Thanks Tonia! I checked out the site and there's a store one town over from my office. My shoes are just about 3 months old, so I'll take a ride over at lunch. I also saw some recommendations to treat the type of pain I'm having in my foot.

    Thanks again. All the best, Lisa in NJ

  5. Heading off to The Running Company today Tonia. My daughter needs new sneakers and is very active, so I told her we'd go here together and get fitted for good sneakers.

    Thanks again. I hope all is well in Malibu! Miss you guys. xo Lisa
