Saturday, December 24, 2011

'twas the night before ChristmasKah!

Happy Merry ChristmasKah everyone!!!  
Is it a merry time or a woe is me time?  If it's the latter it's time to change it into something positive.  No matter how- just change it.  We are all capable of making a change.  Even if that change is for a minute, an hour, a day or a year.  However, if you do not make an attempt to change the change will never come and you will be stuck with woe is me!

As it is that time of year where we are 'forced' to do things for others- give yourself permission to do something great for yourselves-  Especially with all the great sales on!  Get out there and treat yourself with a new  pair of exercise shoes and new workout clothes!  If you do the latter you will have tools to get rid of woe is me and get merry.

Be safe, be merry, be sweaty but most of all bust a lung!

Love your trainer,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It's Wednesday which means blog day.  But what happens when one is at a loss of words?  What happens when I'm not sure what to say to all of you?  I've taken this responsibility upon myself to provide some cyber encouragement but I'm not sure what to say...Perhaps I should just keep tapping on my keyboard and the right letters will come out and form into the right words to keep all of you going.  But what if I type the wrong thing?  I suppose if I just keep typing at least it shows that I'm putting effort in to be here for you!

Ever have one of 'those' days?  We all get them and sometimes a lot- sometimes work and life can be trivial.  But just like my aimless typing, as long as we are moving our bodies we will begin to feel good again.  Why? Because it works like this:

body moves- circulation increases= desire to move body more= circulation increases even more= release of happy natural drugs aka endorphines= feeling really good= self esteem increases= body moves more and more= HOLY BLANKETY BLANK BLANK I JUST NAILED IT.

See how easy that is?  Even when one is not motivated or does not quite know what to do just get your body moving- be it on a treadmill, a walk outside- something- ANYTHING and the body will take over and before you know it you will have just busted a lung.

So once again, the moral of the story is NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER QUIT and just keep moving.

Love your trainer,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finding Rhythm~

Finding your rhythm and never giving up- NEVER!

This past Sunday, 12/04 I ran the Say No to Drugs Universal Back Lot 10K and it was beyond extremely cold- freezing- very cold- so cold it hurt!  My feet were cold, my hands were cold, my legs were cold- everything was 'hurt' cold and the race hadn't even started yet.

I gathered at the start line at 7.15AM for a 7.25AM start.  We got held up for 10min. so basically I was getting colder than I already was- I was standing around for 20min.  It was painful.  When the gun sounded I took off and everything was off.  My breathing was labored, my pace was all over the place and my legs were tighter than the Hoover Dam.  I was miserable.  The hills were like Mt. Everest.  I wasn't even able to enjoy the sets (backlot of Universal Studios).  At the 5K mark (my half way point) I was 1% away from calling it a day.  BUT if I had quit I would be a hypocrite- so I rallied, dug my heels in, blocked out the pain (which is temporary) and found my RHYTHM.

I began to focus on the task at hand and how good I was going to feel once I finished with everything I could put into it.  I got my breathing rhythm back, got my pace back and went for it- I mentally put myself someplace else and managed to finish the 10K (6.2 miles) in 1:04.  Considering the first half I couldn't even breathe or move I was very pleased with my finish.


Love your trainer,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

BUTST IT!!! What kind of workouts...?

Greetings to all you bust a lung busters out there!  

A future guest contacted me asking a question about building endurance so I will share some 'inside' information here.  Not only does working on endurance burn calories quickly it also makes one stronger.  This future guest was concerned about keeping up in classes and not fatiguing and while one may think the best type of workout would be to get onto a treadmill and walk/jog for an hour or more I'm here to tell you that this is false.  Yes, a day at the BLR is long but one needs endurance to last for quick bursts of exercise as opposed to being able to walk for hours.  Oh wait, here I go again with something else!  I know, you hike for 2 hours at the BLR and that's not quick bursts of energy but anaerobic training will help with the hikes.  What's anaerobic?  What's aerobic? 

Anaerobic- quick bursts of energy over a very short time (a football player running down the field and then the play is over short break and goes again) or quick bursts of energy over a longer period of time ( a basketball player running up and down the court- short break in between and goes again).

Aerobic- basically a long foot race- 1/2 to full marathon.

So how do you think you should train to build up endurance?  How about like this:
power walk / jog / run (whichever works for YOU) for a few minutes- walk for a few minutes REPEAT over a 45min. period.

All my rambling for that quick answer!?  I guess so!

Sincerely your trainer,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



On Thanksgiving Day- BUST A LUNG for 1 HOUR- even if it's outside- run for as long as you can- than walk until you catch your breath and than run again- this must be done for 1 HOUR.

DAY AFTER Thanksgiving Day- see Thanksgiving Day task.

Love your trainer,

Monday, November 21, 2011

Keep moving, Keep thriving & GO!

Oh my blankety blank- it's holiday time and yes, it's here!  So what do you do, how do you do it and when do you do it?  Are you allowed to not do anything?  What will happen if you don't do anything?

First and foremost- YES, it is OK to take some 'me' time and kick back and enjoy- give yourself permission to slow down.  HOWEVER, this does NOT mean that it is okay to eat everything in sight!  Keep it real and remember that it takes minutes to consume THOUSAND'S of calories and it can take WEEKS or MONTHS to lose the holiday calories!  BE SMART- BE HUMAN- ENJOY within reason!

If you are still going to exercise and not take anytime off, here is my recommendation to you: 
Wednesday: treading
Thursday: cardio intervals
Friday: mountain
Saturday: off
Sunday: off

I hope that everyone has a great, safe, healthy & sweaty holiday!

Love your trainer, 

Monday, November 7, 2011

OK- Here WE Go!

As we are approaching the time of year when lists come out- who to invite for Thanksgiving, who not to invite for Christmas, who to invite for Chanukah, who is naughty, who is nice, what to get for him, what to get for her, what not to eat and what can I eat...?

Well, here is my list to you- especially during Holiday time.

quit, give up, make excuses.


Succeeding is not easy however, I know that everyone who is reading this has succeeded because if you have not I think it's fair to say that you would not have been a guest or a current guest at the BLR.  So now use the tools that you have used once before in business and apply them to exercise and diet.  Now it's your turn to create a list for yourself...Here, I'll start you out:

Now you guys fill out the rest of the list and just be sure that the contents result you kicking the BLANKETY BLANK BLANK out of IT and BUSTING A LUNG!!!

Love your trainer,

Saturday, November 5, 2011




Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't make this weekend a weak end!

Yippppeeeeeeee!!! It's here and if you've busted a lung all week than you own IT!  If you haven't busted a lung at all during the week than here is your chance to get out there and get IT!  First, remember, IT is whatever it is that you need to kick the blankety blank blank out of- and kick it hard.  

Before I type any further, let's hear it for Sam- he's now in physical therapy full time and that is AWESOME and trainer Cam says that Sam is looking at Jan. 2012 to return home to The Biggest Loser Resort!!!

Alright, back to getting IT- If you need to do your workout in a gym - do my modified cardio interval (CI) blast:

CI starting at level 5 going to 8- hold 8 for the  minute 
weights 30sec x 3 with 15sec rest in between
CI starting at 4 - 8 / 8-4
weights 30sec x 3 with 15sec rest in between
CI 1min sprint x3 with 1min recovery in between
weights 45sec x 2 30sec rest in between
CI 8(1min) - 4
2min cool down

If you are so lucky and can still be outside- find a patch of grass, a hill, a paved straight away- something that equates to about 20 - 25 yards and then spring the straight away walk back repeat 10 times!

So now you have it to be able to get IT- now turn off your blankety blank machine and go BUST A LUNG!!!

Much love- your trainer, 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mid October---Yes, already!

...And as it is mid October- here is my Fall color~ In 16 days it will be November 1- if you're a Starbucks fan this will be an exciting day as the red cups come out!  Ahhhh- the simple pleasures of life! Speaking of life- how is everyone? Are you enjoying life or just getting by?  If you're just getting by, what's going on?  If you are answering with "I don't really know" or "my life is spinning out of control" Try the following:

Take a step back and instead of focusing on the negative- try to look at the positive.  Are you reading this from your own computer / iPad in your own home?  Are all of your limbs in tact?  Are you healthy?  Are your bills paid?

I'm not going to lie- I don't have much- I'm in a transitional living situation as I can't even put enough money down to get into an apartment but I'm loved, have a roof over my head, food, bills are paid and I love my job- and I'm feeling a bit high right now as I just completed a 6 mile run!  Therefore, I consider myself lucky.

So now that we all just had a 'woe is me' moment, let's look at how we can tackle the week that is upon us.  
B U S T  A  L U N G!!!   Well, that's obvious- but how are you going to do it and how often?  If you're not too sure then follow this:
45min. of any cardio 3x this week.  That is definitely obtainable.

So without any further blankety blank blank- NEVER STOP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF AND LET'S GO- BUST A LUNG!!!

Love your trainer,

p.s. check in and let me know how you are and if you reached the task at hand.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Keep on keeping on~

Most of you will be reading this on the toughest day of the week- yes, WEDNESDAY!  It's either an ugh day or a yipppppeeeeee day.  Whatever kind of day it is for you- at least it's the last WEDNESDAY of the week.  That being said there is only one option for this blankety blank blank day- BUST A LUNG!!! 

We all go through stuff- but remember, it's how we handle the stuff that sets us aside from quitters and doers.  Remember, quitting is not an option- doing is.  It doesn't matter how you do IT, just don't allow IT to conquer you- you must conquer IT!!!

Ways to conquer IT:  get up and get going- be it a 30min walk, hike, jog/walk- something- ANYTHING- just get your body moving and own WEDNESDAY!  Are you ready!?  Well, then shut down your blankety blank blank device and BUST A LUNG!!!

Love your trainer,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Here it is- THE WEEKEND...

Yes, my finger is operable- good for me, even better for you:)  Speaking of my finger- time to share what the ER doctor said to me while stitching me up.  First, she said stitches will come up in 10 days and until then no exercise (training for my 1/2 marathon)- I tried to keep a straight face when I said to her I don't use my finger to run.  She then tried to tell me that if I run I'll increase blood flow to my finger because when one run's their hands are like this : she demonstrated running with her arms swinging to her side.  I kept my mouth shut on that one.  

But now I'll keep my mouth (or my finger) open:

Weekend fun...
If you are in the gym- try my 'Tonia's cardio / circut mix':
CI= cardio interval and the levels refer to where you are when you are doing cardio intervals - 1 is the lowest 8 is the highest.

CI starting at level 5 going to 8- hold 8 for the  minute 
weights 30sec x 3 with 15sec rest in between

CI starting at 4 - 8 / 8-4weights 30sec x 3 with 15sec rest in between

CI 1min sprint x3 with 1min recovery in between
weights 45sec x 2 30sec rest in between

CI 8(1min) - 4
2min cool down

If you are exercising outside- whatever you do do it FAST, HARD, SWEATY & BUSTING A LUNG!!!

All my hard pounding love,
your trainer Tonia.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This one is gonna be for fun- as some of you know i sliced my finger so have limited use what ive judt typed is tapping on the keyboard what followas will be me typingn regularly ill have more use of finger tomorrow so will post again

hu everyihe, hioe that akk are great!  as the hikidays are aooriachung kets nit get un a funk wuth the change if seasins and ut gettung dark earkuer- si niw us defunentky the tume tu dug un and di simething- anythung, even uf uts sutuos whuke watchung tv- ir okanung ir jumoung jacjs,

whiever can transkate thus wungs a oruze,  kets see whi can get ut and by timirriw wuth my bew bkig u;kk ket yiu kmiw whi git ut a nd what u;ve vee=b trying ti say,,,

tuk then get iut there and bust a kung!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where have you been? Where have I been?

Well, we've both been gone--- Maybe it's due to the change in seasons?  It is officially Fall!  Maybe it's due to a lack of motivation!?  I'm guilty- my fingers lost some motivation but the rest of my body has been busting a lung!  Have you been busting a lung???  If you haven't- than try this:

Get out for power walk / jog / hike- but just get out!  If the weather doesn't permit for you to get out- than get in the gym and DO this:

treading / circuit training / mountain / or a'la cart on the treadmill for 45min.

And finally- let me know how you've been!

your trainer Tonia

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weekend!? It's Here Already!?!?

So the weekend is upon us- what to do what to do...???
I may have a few suggestions:
First and foremost, take some 'ME' time.  I'm sure that everyone is busy, even if you're busy with not much at all I'm willing to bet that you're mind is busy- so it is important to take 'ME' time to allow your thoughts and your soul to have a break.  Find some quiet time.  Once you've don that, then engage in the following:

BUST A LUNG no matter how you can and if you're already making excuse as to not sure what to do- than do this:

  1. 25 yard sprints 5-10 times depending on your fitness level.
  2. 10min jog
  3. 25 yard sprints 3-5 times depending on your fitness level. 


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's a brand new day and in some ways Wednesday could be known as a brand new start to the week.  Yes, it is hump day- perhaps a very difficult day as this has already been established but let's all put our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical together and kick this Wednesday outta the blankety blank blank park!!!  Here we go...

First, blankety blank blank will now be known as BBB- too much to type!

NOW, you all know how I roll- whatever is happening to you- wherever you are- whatever you are doing- let's get moving together.  Life can be tough.  Life at the BLR can be tough.  Life away from the BLR can be even tougher.  But remember and never forget this- I and everyone at the BLR do what we do because we care and love doing what we do.  You are not forgotten (at least not in my world).  I'm here for you and will continue to do so as long as the BLR keeps me around!  I would like for everyone to check in with here- let me know what's going on- how can I help... BUT- only after you complete the following:
  1. cardio intervals going up to 10- recap of cardio intervals - 30sec a level starting at 1 building up to full out at 10- hold for 1 min. than drop to 9 for 30 sec. recover for 2min. back up to 10 hold for 1min. and back down.
  2. free weights of choice- followed by plank for as long as you can for a duration of 5min.
  3. 5min. easy jog

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday already!?!?

Hello to all- please forgive my absence but life does get in the way.  I will keep this short as I'm still at the BLR and only have a moment to take of business here.

Here is your task for Tuesday if it's not too late and if it is, then Wednesday is your day.

1min. / 1 time / LET'S GO!!! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome to the WEEKEND!!!

I have two options for everyone for this weekend~

Option ONE
If you have had a stellar week busting a lung take Saturday and enjoy an easy whatever you want.  For Sunday- allow your body and yourself to decompress- however, get out of the house and go to your favorite spot to people watch, read the Sunday paper or just 'check' out- it's OK- it's life!

Option TWO 
If life has somehow got in your way of reaching your goals- it's now time to grab life by it's blankety blank blank and kick it in it's blankety blank blank!!!

I'll keep your challenge simple but challenging- you will do a treading class with the number starting at 8.  Please note that the sequence and recovery numbers a different than a regular BLR class- this treading is a 60min workout:

8min as hard as you can
5min recovery

7min as hard as you can
4min recovery

6min as hard as you can
3min recovery

5min as hard as you can
3min recovery

4min as hard as you can
2min recovery

3min as hard as you can
2min recovery 

2min as hard as you can
2min recovery

1min to BUST A LUNG
1min recovery

2min cool down- 

For Sunday, follow the Sunday in Option ONE.

Alright guys, LET'S GO!!! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011



p.s. check in here!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's the last Wednesday of the week!!!

Alright everyone- we've come this far- the last Wednesday of the week- and you all know what that means...I usually say that it's the hardest day of the week- I'm still sticking to that- but we have a few exceptions.  A few of you out there have had your Wednesday on Monday so look at today as Friday but still know that you have some work to do!  What work you may ask- well I'm glad you did- or at least I did for you.  So as your trainer who truly cares for everyone reading this here is what I want you to do for YOU- NO ONE ELSE (but me of course) BUT FOR YOU- and yes you will be busting a lung- here it is:

  1. pick your favorite cardio exercise and add 10 minutes to it.
  2. plank as much as you can for a duration of 3 minutes.
  3. a light jog for 5-10 minutes
  4. finish with a peaceful 10-15 minute walk anywhere- outside, treadmill- anywhere- and as you are walking hear my 'gentle' voice telling you that you can easily do anything that you put your mind to!
So now get out there- bust that blankety blank blank lung and NEVER STOP BELIEVING IN THE POWER OF YOU!!!

Once you have done all of the above- check in with me here- now I'm truly holding you accountable because I truly care!!!  
Miss you all- Love your trainer Tonia xo

Monday, September 12, 2011

The thing about Monday's...

So another Monday has come and gone and you are either ecstatic about the week to come or have had one of the most blankety blank blank days and are wondering how you are going to get through the week.  Monday can defientley have it's fair share of emotions- it's as though someone somewhere designated Monday to be a day of challenges.  The weekend has come and gone and all it takes is one second on a Saturday to determine one's mood for Monday.  

As 'your' trainer I can most certainly tell you that I too have had a challenging Monday today.  I took some steps over the weekend to remove myself from a relationship that I wasn't 'in' anymore and at the same time was excited about life!  I woke up this morning knowing and feeling that I without a doubt had made the right decision.  However, life threw me a curve ball.  As I was at work I had two choices: 1.) pout or 2.) go and bust a lung.  I'll give 'you' one guess which I chose to do...

I ran 4.5 miles in 42 minutes!!!  Needless to say the pouting was out the window and the sense of empowerment was through the roof!!!

So as 'you' are waking up to this latest post here is what I'm asking you to do- strike that- as 'your' trainer here is what I'm telling you to do:  If your Monday was one with challenges and what the 'blankety blank blank changed in a flash over the weekend?' your physical challenge is this- it's a simple one:

Whatever you blew off today because you were to busy focusing on the negative, Tuesday will be the day that you stop the blankety blank blank and bust a blankety lung- 2 times!!!  If your Monday was a non-pouting Monday- bust a lung the best you know how to and keep moving forward and NEVER EVER STOP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF- WE ALL GOT THIS- LET'S GO!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Another week ends and soon another week begins~

With the close of another week at the BLR a lot of emotions arise- emotions of accomplishment, joy & even fear.  In my short time at the BLR I've noticed that fear is a biggie on Friday's and Saturday's.  The fear of leaving such a comfortable place- the fear of not being able to stick to an exercise program- the fear of leaving new friends and losing touch- the fear of LIFE.  But I must ask- didn't 'you' have fear when you woke up on that Sunday knowing that you were checking into a 'weight-loss' facility?  And what about the biggest fear acknowledgement of them all: after a couple of days when 'you' realized that the BLR is not just a 'weight-loss' facility it's a wholly blankety blank blank 'I have a lot of s**t going on in my life and I feel out of control!' facility!

This is where I would like to point out to each and everyone of you- guests that have just departed today, all former guests and current guests- look what you have accomplished with all that fear that was in you!  You've heard my $1,000 bet: find me a professional athlete that works out 6-7 hours day and I'll give you $1,000.  So far I have not had to write any checks (still waiting for mine) THIS IS NOT AN EASY PROGRAM AND YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED A (OR ANOTHER) WEEK OF IT!!!  So enjoy the rest of today and tomorrow and when Monday rolls along feel good knowing that you can eaisly bust a lung for at least a 1 hour workout or another Monday BLR workout and furthermore, feel empowered that not only have you nailed the week physically but you kicked the blankety blank blank out of it mentally!!!

Now rest up, enjoy & never stop believing

A quick hello before Saturday Cardio Blast begins...


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some more about ME to get YOU going- everyday!

First and foremost... I realize that this blog is public HOWEVER, I trust that you guys will not abuse what follows.  I have chosen to share the following about me as LIFE HAPPENS but it's how one handles the challenges and obstacles from what has been presented to them from LIFE.  In addition, I also feel that my followers should know more about me so 'you' know that when I say in my classes "I know what it feels like to be face down in the gutter" that 'you' realize that I'm not just talking- I've walked the walk and have experienced the talk.  So, get ready to take off...3-2-1- here we go...

Remember all those times in class when I said "there's a reason why you're here at BLR and I know it's not always about weight loss because something in your life has brought you to where you are health wise."  Well, granted I did not gain weight from my something, but that doesn't make my something any less easier to confront.  My something WAS a little something called depression- and I was in it in a very very very bad way.

Thirteen years ago at the not so mature age of 28, I was diagnosed as having severe clinical depression.  So much to the point that I soon became a cutter and was in and out of what I refer to as 'happy places'- 5 places- not like I was keeping a scorecard but it's an actual fact.  

Each time I was on the road to recovery I turned to exercise to get me through IT.  I chose exercise as when one is engaged in exercise endorphines (the brains natural happy drug) is released into the blood stream which is where the 'exercise high' comes from.  I am human and stumbled along the way hence the 5 visits- BUT when I FINALLY decided to take hold of ME, I dug in, stayed focused and grabbed life by it's blankety blank blank and started to kick IT (the negative stuff) in the blankety blank blank!!!  Now you know where that saying of mine comes from.

There is one more saying that I share in my classes and it comes from my mom.  I'm lucky to be able to say that my mom is my best friend so when she was sitting in my apartment after the release of my last 'happy place' visit, and was in tears it killed me that I was hurting a loved one so much.  She left my apartment that afternoon telling me this:  'Tonia, I love you but I can't do this anymore- you have two choices- you can either be a fish in a fish bowl swimming around in circles or you can be that fish jump in the ocean and own the world. The choice is yours.'

So I will now sign off and will leave you this to ponder:
Are you a fish swimming around and around aimlessly in a bowl or will you be that fish, jump in the ocean and get out there today and go and kick some BLANKETY BLANK BLANK??? 



...more later...just wanted to get some love out there now!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LIFE...time to focus on the positive- for you Sam~

As some of you may know, myself and several other trainers (including Sam) from the BLR- Malibu started training for this: 
LA Rock & Roll 1/2 marathon

Although I'm not at liberty to discuss all the 'what's, how's & why's' of Sam's accident, I can say that he is lucky to be alive.  Needless to say, Sam will be absent from the event and absent from any kind of training for sometime to come.  I, along with everyone reading this want to see the greatest outcome for our trainer Sam- BUT until that day I normally ask 'you' "WHY ARE YOU HERE (at the BLR)"  Today I ask all of you reading this- "what is YOUR excuse for not training today?

If you've read this far 1) you have already completed a stay at the BLR which brings us to 2) there are NO MORE EXCUSES!!! Remember guys, we/you left that blankety blank blank stuff in the dust and trampled the blankety blank blank out of it!!!  

Now, here is your Wednesday (and remember, it's the last Wednesday of the week) challenge of the day- and if anything, dedicate today's training to Sam- hear his voice cheering you on and get out there and sweat while busting a lung for Sam!

  1. 45min. cardio of your choice
  2. plank as much as you can for 90sec - if you go down- count 1,2 and up again
  3. 5 series of sprints for 1min/1min baseline - 1 time 60 sec LET'S GO!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So here I am, and there 'you' are- but don't worry- I'm still thinking of 'you', still yelling and screaming & still acting all crazy to get 'you' to get to that next level so 'you ' can shock the blankety blank blank outta of yourself!!!  I'm excited to have my new Bust A Lung Training blog up.  As I'm just warming up and getting some good 'pain' to share with everyone- please feel free to share some thoughts and ideas of what you're missing now that you are out 'there' on your own- until next time- STOP reading this and stop the blankety blank blank excuses and go and BUST A BLANKETY BLANK BLANK LUNG!!!